Issue - meetings

Northern Roots Project

Meeting: 23/03/2020 - Cabinet (Item 6)

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Consideration was given to a report of the Strategic Director of Communities and Reform which sought approval for the activation of the Northern Roots (Oldham) Limited Charitable Company and nomination of Directors to the board of the Company.


In January 2019 Cabinet had approved both the capital investment for the redevelopment of the Alexandra Park depot into an Eco-Centre (Northern Roots phase 1), and the allocation of two-years’ revenue funding to enable the further development of the wider Northern Roots project, including issues of planning, branding, project delivery and community engagement.


The Cabinet was informed that both projects were proceeding well through feasibility, in close coordination with each other. The design team for the Eco-Centre project had been appointed, designs were under development and a planning application would be submitted shortly.


The report provided an update on progress in developing the wider Northern Roots project. The main purpose of the report was to seek approval for specific steps necessary to establish the governance of Northern Roots so that the project was able to accept offers of external funding. The aspiration was that charitable funders and social investors would provide funds both to complement the current Northern Roots revenue budget for the inception

phase, and for the ultimate capital development of the Snipe Clough site. Such funders required Northern Roots to be incorporated as an independent charity to become eligible to receive their funds.


Options/Alternatives considered:

Option 1 - Retain the management and delivery of the Northern Roots project within Oldham Council. Do not set up the Northern Roots project company.

Option 2 - Establish the Northern Roots company as a wholly owned and controlled Council Company.

Option 3 - Activate the Northern Roots company as a Charitable Company, Limited by Guarantee. Register the company with the Charity Commission so that it is eligible to receive charitable funding.


It was recommended that Cabinet:

1.    Approve the activation of Northern Roots Oldham Limited as a charitable company limited by guarantee with a board of Directors

2.    Delegate authority to the Director of Communities and Reform to appoint further Directors to the Board, with ratification by the Board. 


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 14 of the agenda before making a decision.