Issue - meetings

Creating a Better Place

Meeting: 27/01/2020 - Cabinet (Item 6)

6 Creating a Better Place pdf icon PDF 849 KB

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Consideration was given to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive which sought approval of a comprehensive vision and strategic framework for the Borough, ‘Creating a Better Place’.

The report provided details of the ‘Creating a Better Place’ vision which consisted of building more homes for residents, creating new jobs through Town Centre regeneration and ensuring Oldham was a great place to visit with lots of family friendly and accessible places to go.

At a strategic level, work had been undertaken over the last eighteen months including the revised Town Centre Vision, the Housing Strategy and a review of the Medium Term Property Strategy to provide an approach for the Council to support inclusive growth, thriving communities and the co-operative agenda.

Delivery of the ambitious programmes of work within ‘Creating a Better Place’ required efficient and effective systems and processes in place. Significant work had already taken place during 2019 to ensure the right resources were in place for robust, fit for purpose governance and effective delivery. Changes to the Council’s Land and Property Protocols were also proposed to further strengthen governance.

Members were advised that funding for development and delivery of the programme would be in alignment with the Cabinet decision taken in December 2019 in support of the holistic programme to Creating a Better Place and in alignment with the Capital Strategy being proposed to Budget Council.

Members noted that this was an enormous plan that was very exciting, with investment across the Borough. It was intended that social value would be maximised, with 1000 new jobs and 100 apprenticeships, to skill up the people of Oldham for their future lives. This was a huge investment, using the Council’s own capital and all projects would be subject to detailed due diligence before approval. The projects would also deliver income that could be used to improve other services. The projects would encourage young people to stay in Oldham and provide safe, warm, affordable homes that met their needs. The 2000 homes in the town centre would help make the Council’s “Brownfield First” strategy a reality. These were financially sound initiatives that would deliver the Council’s vision across the Borough.

Members asked that their thanks be passed to all the officers whose hard work had enabled this project to come forward.

Options/Alternatives considered:

The options/alternatives considered were set out in the report in the restricted part of the agenda.


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information contained at Item 15 of the agenda before making a decision.