Issue - meetings

Broadway Green - Construction of New Link Road

Meeting: 21/10/2019 - Cabinet (Item 8)

8 Broadway Green - Construction of New Link Road pdf icon PDF 144 KB


Councillors Fielding, Jabbar and Shah declared a personal interest in Items 8 and 11 by virtue of their Council appointment to the Foxdenton Development Board.


Consideration was given to a report of the Deputy Chief Executive, People and Place which sought to update the Cabinet on the progress made regarding the Broadway Green Development and sought approval to the provision of a commercial loan to the Joint Venture company delivering the project.

The Broadway Green Development was being promoted by a Joint Venture partnership between Oldham Council, Grasscroft Property and Seddon Construction. The site had detailed planning consent for a new link road and the first two residential phases of the development.

Most of the link road from Foxdenton Lane had been constructed and the next and final phase of the development was the construction of the new Broadway Junction. Prior to the start of the works, Highways England required a bond which they would hold and utilise to cover the cost of any works if there was an issue that required attention.

On completion, the new junction, would become adopted highway and the responsibility of Highways England.


As detailed in the commercially sensitive report at Item 11


RESOLVED – That the Cabinet would consider the commercially sensitive information as detailed at Item 11 before a decision.