Issue - meetings

Planning Application / PA/343071/19 Land at Saint Johns Street, Porter Street and Edward Street, Oldham, OL9 7QS

Meeting: 05/06/2019 - Planning Committee (Item 20)

20 Planning Application / PA/343071/19 Land at Saint Johns Street, Porter Street and Edward Street, Oldham, OL9 7QS pdf icon PDF 539 KB

Erection of 68 no. dwellings




APPLICANT: Keepmoat Homes


PROPOSAL:  Erection of 68 dwellings


LOCATION:  Land at Saint Johns Street, Porter Street and Edward Street, Oldham, OL9 7QS


DECISION: That the application be deferred in light of the objection submitted by the Coal Board as outlined in the Late List.




In reaching its decision, the Committee took into consideration the information as set out in the Late List attached at Item 23.