Issue - meetings

Obesity (Closed)

Meeting: 15/11/2018 - Health Scrutiny (Item 19)

All Age Obesity in Oldham

For the Sub-Committee to participate in a workshop regarding plans to address Obesity


Consideration was given to a report of the Public Health Specialist on overweight and obesity, the scale of these issues in Oldham and the recent activities undertaken to prevent and address the problem.


The author of the report accompanied by the Acting Public Health Consultant attended the meeting to present the information and to address the enquiries of the Sub-Committee.



1.    The content of the report be noted;

2.    A template be developed to outline existing and future plans to tackle overweight and obesity in adults and children in Oldham. The following information be included in the template:

a.    Current barriers to progress;

b.    Legal framework;

c.    Prevention;

d.    Joined-up  approach with partners, including schools and the community, voluntary and third sector;

e.    Comparative work of neighbouring authorities;

f.     Publicity and promotion;

3.    Links be developed with the Mayor’s Healthy Living Campaign 2019/20 to promote existing and future programmes to tackle overweight and obesity in adults and children in Oldham;

4.    A presentation/workshop on this theme be delivered to the Members of the Overview and Scrutiny Board by 26th March 2018 and offered to all Councillors;


The outcomes of these combined actions will identify further opportunities to address obesity to enable a paper to be submitted to Oldham Council and to Oldham Clinical Commissioning Group.