Decision details

Education Provision Strategy 2020-2024

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


Consideration was given to a report of the Director of Education and Skills and Early Years which sought approval of the draft Education Provision Strategy 2020/24 and delegated authority to update the strategy annually in line with demographic and place pressures during the period the strategy was in place.

The strategy provided the context and policy for the provision of education places for children and young people aged 2-19 including both mainstream school paces and SEND.

It was reported that the Council had a statutory duty to ensure there were enough school places available to local children and young people. The Current process or approving and the establishment of new provision was in comparison to other Greater Manchester Authorities was lengthy and time consuming. A new process of approving schools and expansions was contained within the strategy.

Options/alternatives considered

Option 1 - Adopt the Education Provision Strategy as appended to this report.  The strategy reflected the Council’s position to provide high quality places and provision.

Option 2 - Suggest amendments to the strategy as presented.  This was not a recommended option as the strategy had been developed to address the most pressing requirements in the Borough.

Option 3 - Decide not to adopt the strategy, which would leave the council vulnerable in implementing its statutory duty to provide enough school places.



1.    The Education Provision Strategy 2020-2024 be approved and adopted.

2.    Authority be delegated to the responsible Cabinet Member and the responsible Director to update the strategy annually in line with demographic and place pressures during the period that the strategy was in place.


Publication date: 22/10/2019

Date of decision: 21/10/2019

Decided at meeting: 21/10/2019 - Cabinet

Accompanying Documents: