Decision details

Waste Management Replacement Vehicle Fleet

Decision Maker: Cabinet

Decision status: Recommendations Approved

Is Key decision?: Yes

Is subject to call in?: Yes


The Waste Management Service need to replace their current vehicle fleet with new vehicles in 2019.


The Cabinet gave consideration to a report of the Operations Manager which sought approval to purchase 18 waste collection vehicles. A quote had been obtained from Dennis Eagle Ltd, via a Mini Competition run by St Helens Council under the YPO framework for Specialist Vehicles (00652) (FC0526). This quote best met the specification issued by the Council via the Chest,

which had been assessed by Waste Management, Fleet Management and Commercial Services.


The Cabinet was informed that Waste Management Service had been running a fleet of Dennis Eagle (narrow track) vehicles for the last 6 years. This fleet of vehicles would reach their planned ‘end of life’ in 2019 and a vehicle fleet replacement procurement process has been undertaken. The Service had been using a narrow track Dennis Eagle vehicle due to access issues when

collecting from terrace property and rural village areas. Standard fleet vehicles would significantly increase the amount of ‘none access’ missed collections experienced. The Service had, during the life-span of the fleet trialled a number of vehicles and lifting machinery (different manufacturers) to challenge their current Dennis Eagle (vehicle) and Terberg (lifting machinery) option. However after considering a number of factors and considerations (cost, vehicle reliability, fleet/repair experience, driver experience and

maintaining efficient collections) the Service wished to renew its current vehicle model/option.


A fleet of 18 new vehicles was required to maintain efficient and effective waste collections across the Borough.


Options/Alternatives considered:

Option1 - Delay replacing the vehicle fleet.

Option 2 - Purchase other vehicles options (vehicles & lifting machinery).


RESOLVED - That the proposal to purchase 18 new waste collection vehicles via a Mini Competition run by St Helens Council under the YPO framework for Specialist Vehicles (00652) (FC0526), be approved.




Reason Key: Expenditure > £250,000 (Significant expenditure or savings);

Wards Affected: (All Wards);

Key Decision Reference: NEI-07-18

Making Representations: n/a

Other reasons / organisations consulted

Council led procurement process


Emily Molden

Contact: Mark Husdan, Operations and Development Manager Mark Husdan Email:

Report author: Mark Husdan

Publication date: 26/02/2019

Date of decision: 25/02/2019

Decided at meeting: 25/02/2019 - Cabinet

Effective from: 07/03/2019

Accompanying Documents: